
Friday, August 29, 2014

Powder Coating for Future Generations

Hubbell Galvanizing and Fortress Fusion Coatings Inc. normally galvanize and powder coat your standard highway safety materials, but often times, besides artists coming in to galvanize and powder coat their own artwork, sometimes customers come in with special family treasures.

A week ago Jane Mulvihill (Granddaughter of our founder O.W. Hubbell) had us powder coat her Great-grandmother Merritt’s cast iron bench. The bench usually sits outside in her garden up at her family Camp in Old Forge, New York.

The bench is very intricate, and the old white paint was flaking off quite a lot so the Hubbells and Mulvihills decided to powder coat it so that more of their family generations can appreciate the Merritt Family bench. The bench was sand blasted (to remove the old paint) and then powder coated white.

The bench is now sitting on Jane’s mother’s patio where Mrs. Hubbell can enjoy it.

The bench after being sand-blasted

The bench after being sand-blasted
The bench after being sand-blasted

The Merritt bench, after being powder coated, is now in Mrs. Hubbell's backyard

The Merritt bench, after being powder coated, is now in Mrs. Hubbell's backyard

The Merritt bench, after being powder coated, is now in Mrs. Hubbell's backyard

The Merritt bench, after being powder coated, is now in Mrs. Hubbell's backyard

The Merritt bench, after being powder coated, is now in Mrs. Hubbell's backyard

For more information on powder coating please go to:
Fortress Fusion Coating Inc. (

For more information on galvanizing please go to:
Hubbell Galvanizing (

Photo Credit: Emmite White and Diane Mulvihill