
Monday, January 13, 2020

Health Insurance and Wellness Classes for Employees

The majority of the awesome employees at Hubbell Galvanizing and Fortress Fusion Coatings have active jobs. They are constantly moving during their shift every day. The total wellbeing of an individual does not stop just at the physical. To ensure a healthy workforce within our organization, Hubbells is committed to providing resources to promote not only the physical, but also the mental and emotional wellness of our entire staff and their families.

We care about the wellbeing of our team, so for the past five years we have offered a Wellness Program with optional participation to our employees. The goal is obviously, healthy employees. However, the company benefits by an environment with more productive employees, lower health insurance premiums, decreased absenteeism and a greater sense of employee satisfaction. Employees are incentivized to participate in the program by discounts on their monthly insurance premiums, gift cards to local establishments promoting a healthy lifestyle, and wellness days off.

As part of the program, we offer onsite wellness classes covering topics like stress management, how to become a better healthcare consumer, financial wellness, ergonomics, CPR, Stroke awareness, portion control and nutrition. These classes are well attended by our team but the most popular class each year is on the topic of Cooking Light. The class is typically held outside in the summer time. This year, the wellness team enlisted the help of some of our employees who double as chefs in their personal lives: Jovan Myers, Alexandra Semeraro, Emmite White along with the organizational support of Pam Martin and Emma Hubbell. The team put on a cooking demonstration of their menu of Chicken Cauliflower Stir Fry, Venison Stew and Healthy Peanut Butter Protein-ball Bites. The delicious, healthy lunch was enjoyed by everyone.

Hubbells seeks to provide the utmost quality services to our customers. We recognize that providing superior galvanized and powder coated products places us above our competitors and makes our organization special. However, we cannot provide the best services to our customers without healthy, satisfied employees!

For more information about Hubbell Galvanizing and Fortress Fusion Powdercoating, please go to:

Hubbell Galvanizing:
Fortress Fusion: