
Friday, April 3, 2015

Planting the Seed of Galvanizing

By: Diane Mulvihill

April 3, 2015

Frank Gerace, marketing extraordinaire at Hubbell Galvanizing, is a force to be reckoned with.
Gerace helps Hubbell Galvanizing, and the entire galvanizing industry, by using his expertise in market development of galvanized products to encourage more customers to galvanize their steel projects as well as using powder coating and metalizing, which are all options offered through our company. A lot of Gerace’s time spent marketing is actually through education classes he presents on behalf of the American Galvanizers Association (AGA) called ‘Galvanize It!’ seminars.

Using his knowledge of galvanizing, Gerace leads the ‘Galvanize It!’ seminars that educate engineers, architects, students, manufacturers and many other people that want to learn about what galvanizing is and what it does. He has presented more seminars than any other member of the AGA, and his total number of presentations is still climbing.

Over the last weekend of March, Gerace drove to Kingston, Ontario to present to 80-85 students from Queen’s University. This presentation was out of the ordinary for him because he had the pleasure of presenting with another galvanizer, Godfroy St. Pierre, from Corbec, which is a galvanizing company based in Quebec, Canada. Gerace had asked him to present with him on account of the fact that St. Pierre is bilingual and a powerful presenter.

The students they were presenting to were juniors studying in the Civil Engineering Department and had never been exposed to what galvanizing was; Gerace feels that this was a positive because he and St. Pierre were able to “plant the seed early” about how galvanizing is a great option for engineers who are concerned with corrosion protection. The two of them presented on the core principles of hot dip galvanizing as well as how galvanizing is helpful when it comes to sustainable development.

“Overall, I think that the presentations went well. The two presenter technique worked well…I think the change of voice kept the program interesting. We both had different stories to tell and I think this was well received,” Gerace stated regarding how he thought the presentation was received as a whole. He said that he always enjoys presenting with other galvanizers, and co-presenting in this circumstance with St. Pierre was great, especially since he is Canadian and he could accommodate the French speaking students who were there for the lecture.

Gerace is a powerhouse of a presenter for the AGA because of his history as well as his knowledge. He gives presentations like the one in this article to hundreds of people per year, and he certainly is amazing at it. His knowledge of galvanizing, his honesty, and the aura he creates when presenting is catching when you listen to him speak about the process…it makes you want to learn more and to really listen to what he has to say.

If you’re interested in having Frank Gerace give a GalvanizeIt! presentation to your firm, company or class, contact him at or call 315-796-2221 today.

For more information about Hubbell Galvanizing, please go to:

For more information on the American Galvanizers Association(AGA), please go to:

For more information about Corbec, Inc., please go to: